Wednesday, June 6, 2012


So much for that whole blogging every day while I was preggo LOL...

Anywho-we're coming up on Sophia's first birthday!  Cory has taken a job with Priority Energy services and is gone for 14 days at a time, home for 5.  This is the end of his 2nd day being gone...I think it will be good.  I know we'll be fine, I just hate the fact that it seems like he is sacrificing being a youth minister because we've dug ourselves into a financial hole.  Funny how when you're growing up, you never think about what you would do if you lose your job...such is life!  I've really been camping out on Mandisa's song 'Stronger'.  I know that the Lord is molding me into the woman I am meant to be....but do you ever think that He doesn't put us through more/worse because we couldn't handle it?? Maybe I'm crazy, weird, both...but like for instance, I've never gone hungry-like seriously there was nothing in the house to eat hungry. Yeah I've ate leftovers for several days in a row but like I said there was always something to eat.  How would I cope in that situation? Would I get mad? Woman-up and change my situation?? What about those homeless people down town that I pass on the way to work-why am I here and not there?  Is it completely choices? Situation? Divine intervention??  Or when I gave birth to Sophia-4 good pushes and she was here-labored a little from about 11pm-5am or so-VERY easy compared to my sister-in-law who labored for close to 30 hours and finally ended up with a c-section.  Well, I guess that one can be attributed to where we were in our pregnancies and she had high blood pressure-but still, you see where I'm going with this.
     I'm not complaining, by no means am I complaining.  I am SO VERY blessed beyond measure, blessed so much more than I deserve.  Maybe its my perspective on life-some people would see what we've been through as very bleak-why would God allow a hard working husband to be without work for almost half a year and then his wife lose her job with a baby & a new home?  But like I said, God has always provided and none of us have ever went without.  Matthew 10:29-31
29Are not two sparrows sold for a pennyd? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. 30And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.